Thursday, June 30, 2011


i think the best thing to mitigate this problem in the future is to remove this squatters who dangerously lived near river banks, specially on very low level areas considered as "catch basin" of rains. relocate them back to where province they have come from. then let the LGU provide a habitable community for them there to live sustainably.

the city proper is already overpopulated, a lot from neigboring provinces have thought this area is the answer to their poverty problems. yeah, it may be true in the short run but in the long run it has catastrophical consequences. the first of it is the number of death tolls would abruptly increase if these TRENDING SQUATTERS would continue. much to the dismay of the LGU, instead of allocating the calamity fund to restore, repair, improve, upgrade and rehabilitate those areas of concern, rather, they will be funded to feed these affected people most of which are illegal settlers, not even taxpayers.

i pity those who are legitimately residing on those areas affected, those who are really registered residents who had concrete houses and vehicle properties but where also heavily devastated by the flood. its pretty sure they will be the least priority of the government in the thought that they are earning inviduals and can afford to restore their houses or they have wealthy relatives to help them. its just so ironic that living and residing legally these days would be a disadvantage already when natural calamities strike. the taxes they pay are just going to those who are illegal settlers.

im not cursing these poor and under privilege people but im just pointing what the word "FAIR" means. i hope our local politicians would stand strong on a political will that would end these consequences by discouraging these type of people to live and reside illegally. they should be strong enough to deter them. isnt it that davao city has a large underdeveloped land area. why not resettle them there, build a community where basic departments could be found like school, hospital, police station are built, where they could be sustained by themselves through livelihood. stop them migrating in the city proper, they will just cause menace for calamities strike once in a blue moon but in a major major way. but these people, driven by their poverty, would resort to crimes like robbery, burglary and sort of just to alleviate and provide their families' basic needs, is more than a calamity, it happens everday.

if these people would be relocated and removed from these areas, only then could the city government fully exercise its power to improve and rehabilitate the affected areas. remove what is needed to be removed, restore what is need to be restored and sustain who needed to be sustained. such then also could the city government to maximize its calamity funds and channel it to more productive projects rather than feeding certain groups of people for just a limited time.

there's an old saying that "its better to lose your property for it can be replenished over time. but when your loved one is lost, no matter how rich you are, you can never have it back". this means residents legally occupying on government approved locations would mean safer and more reliable. thus, when calamity strikes, damage to property would only the most likely be affected and not helpless lives. it would also promote faster evacuation and faster emergency response initiated by our government services,


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